38 44 Sw Target Cartridge
44 Special Wikipedia
Superb Investment Quality Pre War 38 44 Outdoorsman Target C 1933

Smith And Wesson Model 3 Target 38 44 For Sale

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Remington Umc 38 44 Spl General Ammunition Discussion International Ammunition Association Web Forum

Scarce Smith Wesson No 3 Target 32 44 Single Action Revolver With Ivory Grips And Factory Letter
This S&W #3 target is serial number 2226 and has matching numbers The mechanical function is very good and the bore is very good with strong rifling The barrel was shortened to 5” in length It retains 40% blue finish The right grip panel on the bottom is chipped This one is less than ½ way through production and was made before 17.

38 44 sw target cartridge. The 38 S&W, also commonly known as 38 S&W Short, or 9×mmR is a revolver cartridge developed by Smith & Wesson in 1877 Versions of the cartridge were the standard revolver cartridges of the British military from 1922 to 1963 Though similar in name, it is not interchangeable with the later 38 Smith & Wesson Special due to a different case shape and slightly larger bullet diameter. This fired the 44 S&W cartridge, at standard velocities The famous Model 1917, was one of the other early pistols based upon this frame For a century, until the recent introduction of the X frame revolver for the new 50 Magnum, the N frame continued to be the heaviest, and strongest revolver frame that Smith & Wesson made. The 38 44 was a 38 special round loaded hotter to be shot only in Smith N frames so marked the 38 44 was loaded much hotter than the standard 38 special of the time and actually predates the 357!.
S&W advised me when I was still in high school in the early 1960's that these high velocity loads wouldn't blow up a M&P (Model 10), but that if very many would be fired, their 38/44 Heavy Duty or Outdoorsman were the appropriate guns to use I have never seen a 38/44 load at 1400 FPS;. Winchester 38 Special 148 gr Wadcutter Police Trade 50/Box $2499 ($050 / round) Notify Me When Available;. The media attention gathered by the 38/44 and its ammunition encouraged Smith & Wesson to develop the longer 357 Magnum cartridge in 1935 The 38/44 was an option for purchasers unwilling to pay the premium pricing of the new 357 Magnum revolvers The 38/44s were available with either blue or nickel finish Production was interrupted by the.
38 S&W ammunition for sale with free shipping on bulk ammunition orders available only at Target Sports USA We carry 38 S&W ammo from top brand ammo manufacturers such as Federal, Remington, Winchester, Hornady, PMC and others Whether you are buying bulk 38 S&W ammunition for target shooting or personal protection 38 S&W ammo, we've got it all!. The 3844 cartridge (left) was a highpressure version of the 38 Special meant only for S&W made it with both fixed and target sights There was no more room in the Model somethings for 41’s so they became the Model 57 (adjustable sights) and Model 58 (fixed). Because 357 Smith's were very hard to find before the war ( WWII) Smith kept the 38 44 in the line for a very long time When found these are great buys!.
Finally, there is also a cartridge known as 3844 This was a proprietary cartridge made by S&W for use in the full size New Model 3 revolver It was essentially an elongated 38 S&W case for use in that gun (Colt also chambered the SAA for it) It should NOT be confused with the 3844 that was the forerunner of the 357 magnum. 100 Rounds 38 S&W Target Cartridge for sale online. 38 S&W was a black powder, then smokeless powder load designed to put out about 100 footlbs of energy, as opposed to ~ 300 ftlbs for 38 special Pistols designed for 38 S&W should NEVER be loaded up w/ cartridges w/ any sort of MODERN propellants, whether they will fit in the cylinder or not.
Mike Hudson tells the story of the 38 S&W revolver cartridge Consider the Forgotten 38 S&W By Mike Hudson It's a cartridge that's gone by many names over its long and colorful career the 38 New Police, British 380 and Belgian 9mm Revolver Loaded with 0grain bullets it's been known as the 38 Super Police and 3800. 38 S&W Handgun Ammo For Sale Box, Case Bulk Quantity The 38 S&W is a cartridge for revolver which is developed by Smith & Wesson in 1877 The main difference between 38 S&W and later 38 Smith & Wesson Special is the different case shape and slightly larger bullet diameter. The 38/44 Heavy Duty was the only S&W revolver qualified to safely handle the new loads It was introduced in 1930 with a fixed sight, 5inch barrel, blued or nickeled finish, and walnut stocks.
As you probably know, the 3844 S&W Target cartridge for the New Model #3 is not the same as the 3844 Heavy Duty (which is a hot 38 S&W Special) It's a long case with a flush mount 145gr bullet backed with gr's of black powder (I read that off a box label). Like the 38 Spl, the 44 Spl has been with us since the turn of the th century and much like the 38, the 44 Spl has garnered a reputation for accuracy and is respected as a target cartridge. As you probably know, the 3844 S&W Target cartridge for the New Model #3 is not the same as the 3844 Heavy Duty (which is a hot 38 S&W Special) It's a long case with a flush mount 145gr bullet backed with gr's of black powder (I read that off a box label).
38 S&W ammunition is an old soldier of a cartridge, having been introduced in 1877 A relatively lightshooting caliber typically used today for target shooting, the 38 Smith and Wesson is used in a variety of classic revolvers like the Colt Police Positive, S&W Victory, and Webley Mk IV. S&W advised me when I was still in high school in the early 1960's that these high velocity loads wouldn't blow up a M&P (Model 10), but that if very many would be fired, their 38/44 Heavy Duty or Outdoorsman were the appropriate guns to use I have never seen a 38/44 load at 1400 FPS;. The3844 is a cartridge designation but also is a term for the revolver intended to use the new loading, which could reach 1,125 fps with a 158grain bullet—but at the cost of serious wear and tear on standard revolvers.
Highpressure38/44 loadings of the38 Special cartridge represented a transition between conventional38 Special ammunition and the new more powerful357 Magnum ammo Revolvers were manufactured from 1930 to 1941, and after World War II from 1946 to 1966 until competitively priced357 Magnum revolvers became widely available. 38 S&W was a black powder, then smokeless powder load designed to put out about 100 footlbs of energy, as opposed to ~ 300 ftlbs for 38 special Pistols designed for 38 S&W should NEVER be loaded up w/ cartridges w/ any sort of MODERN propellants, whether they will fit in the cylinder or not. $098 0 $098 $100 3d 19h 32m Peters Cartridge Company 2 FULL 2 PC TARGET QUAIL BOXES no 7 shot and no 71/2 shot 16 GA $ 0 $ 4d 13h 5m No Reserve Peters Cartridge Company Target 22 LR Standard Velocity Red Minty $20 0.
Cartridge designations may be 300, 380 Rim, or 380 Mk 1. They both contain grains of Black Powder They are both TARGET cartridges with the tip of the 146 grain Lead bullet flush with the mouth of the case On the left is a Winchester made round with headstamp WRACo 3844 in very nice condition On the right is a UMC 3844 This one has two dents in the case at the edge of the mouth. Smith & Wesson Cartridge 38 S&W BuyItNow!.
Smith & Wesson – No 3 – Target – 3844 Stk# 36 GI# This 3844 Smith & Wesson No 3 Target revolver has a 61/2” blued tapered round barrel with a fixed front sight and an elevation adjustable rear. While the 38 Special target load is close to the 38 S&W in performance, in fact 38 S&W had never been a popular target round In the pre1900 days, the popular target round was the 44 Russian, with the old S&W 3844 (not the later high power cartridge) also in the running but not as common. Shipwrecked cargo of UMC 44 S&W Russian cartridges (10/12) Smith & Wesson, early cartridges with no case mouth crimp (11/17) Smith & Wesson 32 S&W reloading tools (08/08) Smith Custom Loads (J Bushnell Smith), full box primed 2R shells (03/14) Sport Ammo Corporation 16 gauge Mini Shells (11/10).
The 3844 is a special target cartridge containing grs of powder and 146 of lead either self lubricated or grooved bullet Bullet is seated even with mouth of shell Penetration 6 7/8 in pine boards Gallery charge, 6grs of powder and 70gr round ball loaded in same shell. Smith & Wesson Cartridge 38 S&W BuyItNow!. The 38 S&W, also commonly known as 38 S&W Short, or 9×mmR is a revolver cartridge developed by Smith & Wesson in 1877 Versions of the cartridge were the standard revolver cartridges of the British military from 1922 to 1963 Though similar in name, it is not interchangeable with the later 38 Smith & Wesson Special due to a different case shape and slightly larger bullet diameter.
Mike Hudson tells the story of the 38 S&W revolver cartridge Consider the Forgotten 38 S&W By Mike Hudson It's a cartridge that's gone by many names over its long and colorful career the 38 New Police, British 380 and Belgian 9mm Revolver Loaded with 0grain bullets it's been known as the 38 Super Police and 3800. Náboj má odvozen svůj název od revolveru, pro který byl určen V roce 16 si slavný artistický střelec Ira Paine objednal u firmy S & W revolver v ráži 38“ s rámem revolveru 44 No 3 Single Action pro artistickou střelbu Pro tento revolver byl vyráběn náboj 3844 S & W, který měl střelu zcela skrytou v nábojnici Ústí nábojnice dosahovalo až k okraji komory na. $098 0 $098 $100 3d 19h 32m Peters Cartridge Company 2 FULL 2 PC TARGET QUAIL BOXES no 7 shot and no 71/2 shot 16 GA $ 0 $ 4d 13h 5m No Reserve Peters Cartridge Company Target 22 LR Standard Velocity Red Minty $20 0.
Just bought a 310 tool marked 3844 and was wondering if anyone ever saw a 310 die set marked as being for 3844 Got the tool off ebay for $ The bumps have just enough wear to have rubbed the finish off and the tool overall is kinda two toned Will post pictures in a bit. In this week’s Wheelgun Wednesday, we take a look at an older vintage Model 14 revolver from Smith & Wesson more commonly referred to by collectors as a K38 Target Masterpiece chambered in the venerable 38 Special cartridge for target shootingFor target shooters throughout the 1950s – ’70s, this wheelgun was a popular option for league shooting and simply a more accurate choice for. 38 S&W / 38 Smith & Wesson High Power Loads Warning!.
As explained in the text, the 38 S&W was a groundbreaking cartridge However, Allan says it ought to be a historical footnote Interestingly, it is still being offered by major ammomakers (from left) 38 S&W, 38 Colt New Police, 38/0 Super Police, 38 S&W Shotshell, 380 Revolver Mk IIz. S&W had already reached the same conclusion, and in 1931 the company introduced the38/44 Outdoorsman, a sophisticated version of the Heavy Duty with target sights and a 6 1/2inch barrel The name of the new gun suggested it was marketed toward the woods bum who wanted something with a lot more “oomph” than a standard38 Special. It’s sometimes confused with the very similar—but slightly longer and rare—3244 S&W Target cartridge The 32 Smith & Wesson Long established a revered reputation for gallery and target shooting, and it’s loaded to a maximum average pressure of 15,000 psi Surprisingly, Buffalo Bore offers a 115grain S&W Long hardcast load at 800 fps.
CCI 38 Special 125 gr FMJ Flat Nose Blazer Brass 0 Round Ammo Can $7299 ($036. I have a S&W Outdoorsman( target model of the 3844) 6in in 38Spl as well as a Colt Trooper 1959 vintage also in 38 Spl The Outdoorsman is unusual in that in features a ramp sight instead of the target sight Both are a lot of fun to shoot and the Trooper makes a good bed side gun. Smith and Wesson Mew Model #3 Target,I believe this is a 3844,checkered backstrap and trigger,target sights,serial # 31,XXX,antiq for sale by First Stop Gun on GunsAmerica.
Smith and Wesson Mew Model #3 Target,I believe this is a 3844,checkered backstrap and trigger,target sights,serial # 31,XXX,antiq for sale by First Stop Gun on GunsAmerica. The collaboration between Smith & Wesson, Remington and Elmer Keith produced the 38/44 S&W cartridge which could launch a 158 grain bullet at 1175 fps and producing 460 foot pounds of energy This round would penetrate 11ea 7/8inch thick boards and would go thru the trunk of a car, seats, dash and into the engine area. As you probably know, the3844 S&W Target cartridge for the New Model #3 is not the same as the3844 Heavy Duty (which is a hot38 S&W Special) It's a long case with a flush mount 145gr bullet backed with gr's of black powder (I read that off a box label).
That's 357 Magnum territory. They both contain grains of Black Powder They are both TARGET cartridges with the tip of the 146 grain Lead bullet flush with the mouth of the case On the left is a Winchester made round with headstamp WRACo 3844 in very nice condition On the right is a UMC 3844 This one has two dents in the case at the edge of the mouth. That's 357 Magnum territory.
For centerfire target work, the 38 Special is the single best choice of cartridge There are several very accurate centerfire handgun rounds – the 44 Magnum is no slouch in this department, neither is the 44 Special. Because 357 Smith's were very hard to find before the war ( WWII) Smith kept the 38 44 in the line for a very long time When found these are great buys!. This time we load up some Old school 38/44 Bullets these are pretty much 38 Specials loaded to P speeds this is what people made back in the early 1930's before 357 Magnum was a thing.
The 38 44 was a 38 special round loaded hotter to be shot only in Smith N frames so marked the 38 44 was loaded much hotter than the standard 38 special of the time and actually predates the 357!.


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38 44 Special General Ammunition Discussion International Ammunition Association Web Forum
Superb Investment Quality Pre War 38 44 Outdoorsman Target C 1933

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